Wednesday, September 10, 2014

24 Weeks 2 Days

How far along are you?: 24 weeks 2 days - age of viability, which was a really big deal for me with Lincoln.  Glad to be to this point.

How big is baby?: About 10.5 inches and 12.7 ounces, the size of an cantaloupe.

Weight gain/loss?: Last I had weighed myself, still down 6 or 7 pounds, but I'm gaining which is great!

Stretch marks?: Just residual! ;]

Maternity clothes?: Yep.

Sleep?: Never enough ever.  I've been exhausted the past couple of days, taking naps whenever I can.  I don't know if it's the combo of pregnancy and toddler, or just this part of pregnancy, but I'm always always way too tired to do anything.

Best moment this week?: Uhm…. [[[crickets]]] It's been a rough week.  Darion is at work training and is working every day.  Lincoln totally isn't used to this, and it's showing.  Basically any split second Darion is home counts.

Food cravings?: I really wanted pulled pork BBQ sandwiches, made them tonight, and they were good.

Gender?: Baby boy 2.0!!!

Movement?: Yes.  This week, I feel like the baby went from small movements to huge, noticeable from the outside kind of movements.  Though Lincoln still hasn't gotten to feel any of the baby's kicks (attention span of a peanut) and Darion hasn't gotten to see the big movements from the outside (where'd ya think Lincoln inherited his attention span from?).

Belly button?: Pretty flat and stretched out, but still an innie.

Labor signs?: None.

What do I miss?: Well, lately I have indigestion all the time, I'm still getting nauseated occasionally, I'm tired all the time, no sleep is ever enough, my body is starting to hurt.  So the opposite of all that.  I am starting to get to that "ready-to-be-done" point already.

What I'm looking forward to this week?: The end.  Just honestly, the end of this month.  It's really hard on us when Darion works a lot, and he's working nutso this month.  I'm looking forward to the weekend, he has a little bit of time off.  We are doing no spending for 31 days, potty training, and Lincoln just generally be disastrous to take out lately, so I have been pretty isolated at home lately.

What's different this time around?: It's so so much harder with a toddler who is in a really awful stage.  We are in the "can I do this?  Oh no, how about now?  Oh no, how about now? Oh no, how about now?" stage.  Being exhausted anyway, this is really wearing on me.  We are also financially a lot more strapped because we are paying for our home birth out of pocket, our doula out of pocket, and have a lot of other debts we are trying to get a handle on.  So Darion is working a lot more this time around, we have less expendable income, and I'm way more stressed basically (sorry this is all pretty negative.  It's been a rough month!).

How is Lincoln doing?:  He's not doing great lately, honestly.  I'd probably be better equipped to deal if I weren't always aching and exhausted.  But these little pick-pick-pick behaviors are really wearing me down.  He's overall such a sweet guy.  I know he misses Darion, which is where a lot of this is coming from.  He's just not listening to us, and we have to deal with it all the time.  Especially me, because I'm here with him.  Love him more than anything, but so ready to be beyond this intensity level of this stage!

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