Monday, July 21, 2014

17 Weeks

My goodness, this week has flown by!  Normally I am counting
out the days until the week changes.  This time, I didn't even
realize until a couple hours into the day already!  I can't
believe how much faster time goes with a toddler!

How far along are you?: 17 weeks!

How big is baby?: About 5.1 inches and 5.9 ounces, the size of an onion.

Weight gain/loss?: Down about 12 pounds still, haven't gained in a couple weeks.

Stretch marks?: Just residual! ;]

Maternity clothes?: Some days.  I'm to the point now where I have to try everything on to see if it looks weird or not.

Sleep?: It's been good.  Though last night poor Darion was up puking half the night, thus so was I.

Best moment this week?: Finding out the gender!  It was so exciting!

Food cravings?: Honestly, I haven't been really craving anything per se.  But I've been mostly able to eat again, so that's good news.  My appetite is very temperamental though.  I lose it halfway through things a lot and have to struggle to keep eating.

Gender?: Baby boy 2.0!!!

Movement?: I hesitate to deem anything as movement yet.  I think maybe, but it's hard to know

Belly button?: Innie! For now! But it's kinda getting stretched weird.

Labor signs?: Gosh, thankfully none yet!!

What do I miss?: I suppose just certainty.  Life has a lot of changes coming, with the stage of life Lincoln is in, and a new baby coming.  It's hard not knowing what life will be like.

What I'm looking forward to this week?: I am honestly not looking particularly forward to too terribly much.  Just enjoying every day I guess.  We just started Dave Ramsey's debt snowball, so I guess sticking to the budget will be a fun challenge.

What's different this time around?: Looking back at old weekly updates, I'm not as uncomfortable yet this time.  I also haven't distinctively felt this little one moving like I already had with Lincoln.

How is Lincoln doing?:  Well, he's started hooking his foot on his crib rail.  We may have to switch him to a big boy bed, but I'm terrified to.  He talks about "Baby Brudder" now and gives him hugs and kisses when asked.  He seems more aware of the baby now that we know the gender.  So cool!

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