Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Feelin' It!

So super exciting, Maggie was able to feel the baby kick today!! So stinking exciting!
The baby has been bouncing off my bladder lately, which is less fun than it sounds like (I know, it sounds super fun!), but I'm just grateful my healthy little guy is in there pinging off my bladder walls!! Hehe! He's been so active lately, I love feeling him move. I get really excited when other people can feel him move.
He's definitely been sucking up my brain power lately. I almost put cereal away in the fridge this morning, and quite frankly, I'm starting to question my driving abilities with so little brain power!
Tomorrow marks the halfway point. I never saw myself here. It was always the small hurdles. Get to 8 weeks. Get to 12 weeks. Get to 14 weeks. I guess I didn't give myself very much room for hope. Now I'm looking forward to another month and the baby's life will be viable even outside the womb! It's amazing how early they stop needing you... ;]
I'm very much on cloud 9 lately about my little life, I'm so grateful for our healthy, growing baby. Darion started his new work schedule (that includes overnights!), and while it's a little rough adjusting to him being gone 12 hours at a time, I think it'll be nice in the long run to have more days together. I am a little emotional about having to fall asleep without him, but I think that will get easier.
Darion is such an amazing provider for his family. I honestly couldn't have drawn up a better husband had God handed the pen over to me!! I didn't even realize some of the things I needed until I had them given to me in this amazing person. I was thinking today about how much I love Darion and how amazing I think he is, and then I started thinking about how all the qualities we love in the people around us (more specifically I was thinking of Darion) are going to be so amazingly amplified in Heaven. There'll be no sin to detract from the amazing qualities our loved ones possess. How cool will that be? We'll be able to have so much more pure a love for one another, it's going to be so cool!
Anyways, aside from that random tangent, I feeling great in this pregnancy. I am getting excited to see the little man's face, but I am also completely unprepared!! God still has a lot of work to do in my heart and my view points, I can tell. Today at Bible study, the message talked about how Ruth Graham had a wandering son. This is Billy Graham's family. Billy Graham!!! If Billy Graham can raise a child who has issues in his faith, I am comforted!! He was such a fit and godly teacher! But that's just the thing. The stress is off when you realize your job is just that: be a teacher. Your job is not to control your children into God's will. You are there to give them all the information necessary. They make the decision, and God works in their lives.
Look at it this way, Billy Graham's wandering son is a great comfort to me, as he eventually came to Christ. Had he not wandered, I wouldn't be comforted by this. God works for the good. It really is my job to teach my child and give him all the information he should ever need. The rest is up to God and my child. Just like God gave me free will to choose him, it's not my will that is going to make my child choose the Lord. Just a comforting thought since I have been very stressed about making sure that my child is God-fearing.
Anywho, tomorrow is my 20 week update!! Can't believe how time is flying!
Ordered the dust ruffle so that I can go buy paint and get started on painting the little man's room soon, yay!! Been looooving this cool weather we've had. It's very wintry! I'm ready to decorate for Christmas and then deliver a baby! This is going to be such an exciting year!

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