Thursday, September 18, 2014

25 Weeks 3 Days

How far along are you?: 25 weeks 3 days (these posts are so hard to keep up on, haha!)

How big is baby?: About 14 inches and about 2 pounds, the size of a head of cauliflower.

Weight gain/loss?: Still down about 5.5 pounds, but I'm gaining!  Woohoo!

Stretch marks?: Just residual! ;]

Maternity clothes?: Yep.

Sleep?: Been okay, a little uncomfortable in the mornings when I wake up now.  But when I'm asleep, I stay asleep.

Best moment this week?: It's been another pretty tough week.  Lincoln is reallllyyyy missing Daddy, so he's been struggling day to day.  My sister and her family got home from a trip, and I got to see her though!  And Darion and I talked about some goals we want to be working toward as far as getting out of debt, getting mortgage free, then traveling to find a place we may like to live.  That's all pretty great news.

Food cravings?: All I can think about right now is pot roast, because that's what's in the crockpot for dinner, it smells amazing, and that's all I want to eat right now!!!  Haha!

Gender?: Baby boy 2.0!!!

Movement?: Yes.  This baby moves a lot when I'm standing up.  I don't remember Lincoln doing that, it's kinda weird!

Belly button?: Pretty flat and stretched out, but still an innie.

Labor signs?: Lots of Braxton Hicks this week.  I've also been pretty busy and active, which tends to make those flare up.

What do I miss?: Just having energy to keep up with Linky.

What I'm looking forward to this week?: Saturday morning we should have a moment to breathe before Darion has work again.  I'm clinging to that!  Getting a pedicure with a Bonnie that day, so hopefully that will prove relaxing and fun.

What's different this time around?: My sister had asked if this pregnancy was a lot different than with Lincoln.  My response is, "The funny thing is, my pregnancy with Lincoln was all about Lincoln.  My pregnancy with this baby is all about Lincoln."  Haha!  Lincoln is tangible, and my pregnancy affects him a lot.  Whereas before, there was no one else it really affected that deeply.  This pregnancy is already affecting Lincoln.  So that's really different.

How is Lincoln doing?:  He's doing okay.  Poor little guy super misses Daddy.  Can't wait to pay off some of our more pressing debts and get to a point where overtime isn't so pervasive!! I am trying my best to devote lots of time and energy to him.  But it's hard getting our house ready for our home birth, doing regular maintenance, and having energy to play.  It all adds up.  I sometimes worry that when the baby is born, I will have a Lincoln this age and stage, a newborn, AND the exhaustion levels I have now.  Then I have to reality slap myself and stop panicking, haha!

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