Wednesday, August 13, 2014

20 Weeks 1 Day

Better late than never, right??

How far along are you?: 20 weeks! Half baked!  I'm so excited to meet this little guy!

How big is baby?: About 6.5 inches and 10.6 ounces, the size of an banana.

Weight gain/loss?: Down about 10 pounds last I checked.  But I came down with an awful cold the past few days, so I'm almost afraid to check.  Ugh, never mind.  Just weighed myself - down even lower than my lowest, about 13 pounds, I'm at 127.  Provided, I have a horrendous cold and haven't been able to eat much.

Stretch marks?: Just residual! ;]

Maternity clothes?: Yeah, most of my pre pregnancy shirts are now too small.  Though jeans are still pre pregnancy since my maternity jeans are all too baggy.  I ordered a couple pants on an instagram shop in smaller sizes to help bridge the gap.

Sleep?: Well, benadryl helped me through my cold last night.  Aside from that, sleep has been pretty good!  Slept 'til 2 today trying to recover.

Best moment this week?: Just relaxing with my family has been amazing.  My wonderful sissy also gave me pastured chickens and broth!  

Food cravings?: I had craved La Casita chips and salsa.  Today I craved a chocolate shake.  Like Darion always says, it's not so much I have cravings for one thing.  It's that I can't eat it unless I'm craving it, haha!

Gender?: Baby boy 2.0!!!

Movement?: Well, 18.5 weeks I felt a solid kick from the inside and out!  Every day since then, I've felt him.  he's kicking at my laptop now!

Belly button?: Innie! For now! But it's kinda getting stretched weird.  Pretty shallow now!

Labor signs?: I had my first braxton hicks the other day, I think.

What do I miss?: Not being sick.  Being able to clean.  Knowing what is going to taste good and gross.  Not puking (I just puked a few days ago, the morning sickness this time is off the charts!)

What I'm looking forward to this week?: I am looking forward to getting over my cold.

What's different this time around?: Well I feel much sicker.  It's way harder to put on weight this time.  I think I definitely get more stressed about having two, thinking how that will work.

How is Lincoln doing?:  He's 
doing great!  We don't talk about the baby that much, but he still knows he's in there.  His transition to a toddler bed was seamless, he's such an awesome guy!  He's really been pretty amazing the past couple weeks!

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