Friday, December 19, 2014

38 Weeks 4 Days

How far along are you?: 38 weeks 4 days

How big is baby?: About 19 inches and about 6-7 pounds, the size of a pumpkin.

Weight gain/loss?: Gained some back.  Last I had checked, still down.  Not sure the exact number.  But only gained about a pound between my last appointment and the one prior.

Stretch marks?: Just residual! ;]

Maternity clothes?: Yep.

Sleep?: I pee a lot.  I wake up with super uncomfortable contractions.  Not ideal.  Looking forward to hopefully getting more sleep again one day haha!

Best moment this week?: I would say Darion getting promoted at work!!  So amazing!  And a whirlwind of change is now coming down the pike for us!  It's a little terrifying, but will hopefully prove to be amazing!  He starts January 5th, so hopefully the baby debuts before such time haha!  But now, as soon as the baby is born, we will list our house, then look to rent in Spring Valley Lake we are thinking.  So many changes coming, it's a little scary but exciting.  This new job means hopefully Darion can be home more regularly.
Oh also, GBS negative, woohoo!!!

Food cravings?: Rosemary and cilantro.  Still.

Gender?: Baby boy 2.0!!!

Movement?: This morning has been kinda scary.  The baby hasn't been moving as much as normal today, and the terrific prodromal labor I've had as my constant companion these past several days has slowed almost to a halt (only had about 4-5 contractions today as opposed to one every 5-10 minutes).

Belly button?: It's back - but it's a weird outie grossness haha!  Darion and I joke that it points at things.  It's pretty yuck!  Hahaha!

Labor signs?: Well, contractions.  But other than that, literally nothing.  I'm starting to lose my mind just ever so slightly.  Trying to keep myself occupied with fun things so I don't just sit around counting minutes tick by!

What do I miss?: My own body being uninhabited.  I love so many things about pregnancy.  I'm just looking forward to being able to eat tomatoes again, not waking up to pee all the time, no sharp vaginal pains.  I'm also looking forward to having a baby to nurse again, meeting this little guy, having energy.  There will be so many positives about having him here!

What I'm looking forward to this week?: Well, Christmas is this week.  But Darion works.  Maybe my family will do something fun.  Not really sure.  Hopefully we will just have a baby this week!!

What's different this time around?: I love having the added support of my doula and midwife.  That's been amazing.  I'm feeling super irritable all the time lately, which I don't remember with Lincoln.  Also, I'm trying my hardest not to do any natural inductions, which I was totally trying with Lincoln already at this point (by this point with Lincoln, I'd be delivering tomorrow).  I acknowledge it's best to let him reside as long as he needs to, even though mentally that's a huge struggle for me!!

How is Lincoln doing?:  He has been awesome the past few days.  He was having some big nap issues, but that seems to have cleared up.  Hopefully!  He's such a communicator now - it's really impressive!  I am glad he has such good lingual skills now that the baby is so close to arriving.  I think it'll help a lot.
He talks about baby brother sometimes.  The other day I told him we'd go to Disneyland again after baby brother came, and he said "Get shoes on baby brother and walk around Disneyland?"  So cute!  We discussed how baby brother will be sleeping a lot haha!

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