Wednesday, April 18, 2012

2 Months

We've made it through yet another month!  I can't believe how quickly time is going, nor how big my little guy is getting!  He's already so different than just two months ago!  He's not a slimy, noodly little newborn anymore!  Here are the highlights of what little Linky Sam is up to this month!

-He loves holding on to fabric, so he holds my shirt while I'm feeding him, my pants while I'm changing him (sitting on the floor), and the leash for his pacifier.  It's too adorable!

-He stops crying almost immediately when you stand him up.  We call it being "real people."  He just loves to be stood up, not sitting though!

-He still complains every time he sneezes, it's adorable!

-He rolled from his tummy to his back in a fit of rage.  He hasn't done it since, but he definitely turned into the popular comic book character, the Hulk!  Darion and I both got to see it!  It was so exciting!!

-He has started to coo!  I just love sitting with him while he talks and talks away!

-He loooooves his baths!  He's been known to fall asleep in them!  And we realized that he wold scream every time we took him out because he loves them so much.  So we have started putting him on a blanket on the heating pad turned low after baths.  He's much more calm!

-He can track.  His tracking has gotten way better through the month.  It started with a delayed tracking, and now he watches me as I leave him in his crib in his room.  It's a hard face to walk away from!!  That's for sure!

-He can sleep in his crib.  He never sleeps as long in his crib as he does on one of us (we're talking half an hour as opposed to two hours!), but he will sleep in there.  He does a little better at night, though this week Darion has been working overnights and some spoiled little boy has been getting to sleep in bed with Mommy.

-He has started smiling... a lot!  At first, he would only smile when playing pat-a-cake, but now he smiles a lot more!  He always smiles when I come to get him from his crib after a nap.  It's just adorable.

-He had really bad tummy issues this month, but per suggestion of a friend, we used pear juice and got things moving again!  He's been great ever since.

-Lincoln gets scared sometimes when we play peek-a-boo.  He's only ever smiled about it once.

-This kid loves windows!  I'll be feeding him, and he gets so excited to look at the window that he breaks his latch and gets upset he's not eating anymore.  Then we get him latched again and all situated, and he slowly starts to look toward the window again.  Silly boy!

-Lincoln started sucking on his hands about two weeks ago and was really bad at it.  He hit himself in the face a lot!  He's actually started getting pretty good at it by now.

-He prefers to be held... always.

-He "napitrons" with Daddy.  Darion puts him on his chest, and Lincoln goes out like a light!

-Lincoln loves lights!  We bought him a noise maker with a projector for slides on the ceiling, and he really seems to enjoy that.

-He has been outgrowing clothes like crazy!  He just outgrew an outfit he only got to wear once.  He's almost completely out of newborn.  Only a few things still fit him.  He also grew into an outfit that was too big for him just a week prior.

-Every time he poops really good, he smiles so big! 

-He holds his head up like a champ!

In other, non-baby related news Darion and I bought a bed that should be delivered within a couple of weeks.  We've needed a new bed the entirety of our marriage, so I'm really excited!  It'll be nice to be able to get out of bed without it creaking so loud that it wakes Lincoln up.  I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that all is going well with ya'll & baby boy!
