Thursday, December 22, 2011

31 Weeks

The little man is coming right along!
 How far along are you?: 31 weeks!

How big is baby?: Almost 16 and a quarter inches and almost 3 and a half pounds!  I can't believe he's going to gain like a half a pound a week 'til we're done!

Weight gain/loss?:
Down 2 pounds still... I was doing good, but for some reason I just can't jump this hurdle!  I thought I was finally neutral, but on the doctor's scale today I'm still down 2.  We'll see what happens.

Stretch marks?: On my boobs.  And now my belly button has this weird ring around it that looks almost purplish like bruising even though it's not.  I was showing Darion the other day too how cool it is because you can see this blue vein going down the center of my stomach and I'm pretty sure it's what's keeping our little man healthy in there!!

Maternity clothes?: Yep!  Outgrowing some of them though, oh doh!

Sleep?: Yes please!!  I've been sleeping a loooooot lately!  I've taken naps for the past three days in a row...  I haven't done that since probably I was a toddler!!  I'm so tired all the time, but then I wake up and my hips hurt, owie!  I'm also having a way more difficult time getting out of bed these days.  I hurt!!

Best moment this week?: Darion had 7 days off in a row, so it was really nice to just get to spend some time with him!  It was also his birthday, and we got to go to lunch with his dad, and then to dinner with the rest of his family.  It was a really fun day!
Food cravings?: Hm, I don't know if there's any one specific thing this week.  I just kind of inhale anything you put in front of me!  Although now that I think about it, those terrible like, dollar chicken sandwiches from Sonic's!  ( I got one tonight!).

Gender?: Little man!

Movement?: Yes, he was just pedaling against my sides like a maniac!!!!  Crazy kid!

Belly button?: I guess it's kinda a flattie?  Not an outie, not an innie...  hehe!  (No, it's still an innie, but barely!).  And the skin all around my belly button is super soft because it's never seen daylight before, it's weird!!

Labor signs?: Gosh, thankfully none yet!!  But I keep getting nervous when the baby stretches out a lot or things like that, I start prodding my stomach feeling if my sides are hard!

What do I miss?:  Sleeping on my back!  My ears have started hurting lately because I sleep on them so much.  I also miss having energy!

What I'm looking forward to this week?:  I think it's pretty obvious.... CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!  I'm so excited!!  Christmas Eve, Christmas, it's gonna be great!  Then my parents should be getting back into town tomorrow, yay!!!!  I absolutely cannot wait!!  It's gonna be a great week!

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