Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Update time!

I haven't written an actual update to this blog aside from my weekly posts in a while, but I should probably document our last appointment so that next pregnancy I have something to look back on.
Darion and I went to our appointment last Tuesday, and after the regular stuff, the doctor measured me and said I was measuring small.  She wanted to send us for some tests, so Darion and I, of course in all rational thought, panicked.
She said she wanted to send us for an NST and an ultrasound.  So we went over to get the first ultrasound done where they measured my fluid.  Apparently I was an 11, and I don't know what that means, but we were told it is good.  Then they hooked me up to do an NST.
Hi from our NST!!!

So after about 30 minutes or so, chugging a bottle of water and a box of juice, the sweetest NST tech ever told us that our baby was moving like he should be and all was well!
So then we were sent to get another ultrasound to measure the baby's actual parts.  The lady did a whole bunch of clicking on her computer and pushing (a little too hard, in my opinion!) on my stomach with the little wand thingy, and lo and behold, the little man is measuring just how he's supposed to!
They did change our due date to February 23, but I am still just saying the 22 because it doesn't really matter anyway.  But the little guy was measuring a hefty four pounds, right on target for his gestation!

In other baby news, both of our baby showers went off perfectly!!  The one that Darion's mom threw was so fun and so many of our friends came out to help us celebrate and get ready for the arrival of our little guy.
The one my family threw was a hit too!  There was a delicious coffee punch, ridiculous homemade tacos, and a really good turn out from our guest list!  I felt so special and blessed how many people showed their support for us.  We got a lot of things we are really going to need too, so we are steadily on the track to being ready for a baby in this house!  I can't believe it!
Now all we have to do is get the seat belts in my car fixed (we've been having troubles with them and the CHP  told us to get the one for the car seat replaced, so that should be happening this week), and get our new bathroom countertops installed.  Then we should be on the path to some relaxation before the baby is born (I'm hoping!).

The adorable monkey cake from the shower Eva threw for us!

   Me and my handsome husband at the
shower thrown by Eva

 The adorable little banner made by Eva and Jenn!
I love all the monkeys!
The delicious coffee punch my sister made for the shower my
sister, sister-in-law, and Mom threw for me!
Me and some of the party-plannin' crew!!  Didn't the decorations
come together awesome?!
Me and the rest of the crew, my gorgeous Mama!
 Nothing makes your heart melt more than tiny clothes, am I right?

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