Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Quick Update!

I can hardly believe my *little* boy (not so little anymore!!) is already almost three months!  He can officially hold his head up, has started pulling himself as hard as he can to sit up, and can roll tummy to back!  He also started pulling your hands into his mouth this week!  He's usually a drooly mess.  Good thing I love that kid so much!
He coos, he responds, and he is terrible at napping!  However, he has recently started (don't want to jinx it or anything) sleeping about five hours for his first stretch of sleep at night!  It's been luxurious!  Though usually I'm not asleep for the beginning of it.
My little boy is growing up so quickly.  I can hardly believe it!

Here are some pictures from Darion's Mom's wedding
 Darion who? ;]

My hot date!
 How Lincoln falls asleep every day
with his blankies he looooves! His blankies
have become toys we have to actually take away
from him in order to get him to sleep!  He squeals
and rubs them all over his face and won't fall asleep
if he has them!
Looking at his favorite page in the book!

1 comment:

  1. He is soo precious Cyndi! Glad to hear that ya'll are doing well.
