Wednesday, January 11, 2012

34 Weeks

Sooo, this picture is actually 34 weeks and 1 day.  The night I was
34 weeks, I was just entirely too exhausted to take our picture.  It's
a lot of work!  But I think the same idea remains!! 

How far along are you?: 34 weeks!

How big is baby?: About 17 and three quarter inches, about 4 and three quarter pounds according to a website, but we just got measured yesterday and the doctor said our little man is weighing in around 4 pounds!!  He's in the 40th percentile, our healthy little guy!!

Weight gain/loss?:
I am up 2 pounds!

Stretch marks?: On my boobs.

Maternity clothes?: Yep!

Sleep?:  Sleep has been pretty good, just waking up sore.

Best moment this week?:  Yesterday we went to our doctor's appointment and after getting freaked out because the doctor told us I am measuring four weeks small, we had a few tests run.  First, they did an ultrasound to measure my amniotic fluid, and that came back normal.  Then they did an NST, and that came back normal.  Then, they did another ultrasound to measure his actual body parts.  His due date got changed to the 23rd, but he's measuring right on par with where he should be.  I'm just small.  It was neat though, to see our little man on the sonogram and to see that he's developing just right!
Our baby shower was also ridiculously awesome!!  It was fantastic!
Food cravings?: Gross chicken sandwiches still, and the nasty fish from Long John Silver's.

Gender?: Little man!

Movement?:  Yep, last night during our NST, he pushed so hard that there was a little lump sticking up probably an inch!!

Belly button?: I guess it's kinda a flattie?

Labor signs?: I haven't had any Braxton Hicks the last few days, but I wake up with sore abs some days so I think I've still been having them.

What do I miss?:  Sleeping on my back.

What I'm looking forward to this week?:  Our next baby shower is this Saturday, I can't wait!!

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