Wednesday, November 9, 2011

25 Weeks

This is my belly at 24 week 6 days! :]
This was my anniversary hair picture, hehe!

Belly!!!! So exciting, I'm really starting to feel huge. This
is the reason for the terrible sleep! :]

How far along are you?:
25 weeks, got a lot of nursery-preparing to do!

How big is baby?: He is about 13 and a half inches!! Holy cow, he grew a lot through this week, he's now the size of a papaya! He weighs about a pound and a half.

Weight gain/loss?:
Down 5 pounds as of yesterday. Getting close to the gaining side!

Stretch marks?: I think I've started to get a stretch mark on my boob... bummer, but that IS where I gained all the weight, haha!

Maternity clothes?: Yep!

Sleep?: Sleep has been terrible this week... I can't get comfortable for the first part of the night, then by the time I can sleep solidly, it's time to wake up. Bummer. It's super impossible to get comfortable at all. I never get comfortable, I just eventually get too exhausted to stay awake.

Best moment this week?: It was neat to go to the doctor and get a positive update. Everything was great about our little man. He had a good, strong heartbeat around 150 bpm, and I was measuring 23 weeks (even though I was 24).
Also, yesterday was our anniversary. I made dinner, lit candles, and made chocolate covered strawberries. Then Darion opened his gifts. It was really fun!

Food cravings?: This week, egg salad sandwiches I guess. Not so much a "craving," per se, but it definitely always sounds good to me.

Gender?: Little man!

Movement?: Yes! He always shows off while I'm writing my updates... right now, he just TOTALLY pushed himself out and I could tangibly see a bulge where he was. And you could run your hand over it and see the definition of his little shape. It was so cool!!

Belly button?: Innie! For now!

Labor signs?: Gosh, thankfully none yet!!

What do I miss?: Sleeping on my back. I have to fight myself all night because I keep waking up on my back suuuuper uncomfortable. Ugh.

What I'm looking forward to this week?: This weekend I think Darion and I are going to celebrate our anniversary (because things didn't really wind up working out this last weekend), so hopefully that can go off well and we can have a great time! I'll have to update if we do anything! :]

1 comment:

  1. Cymi! just wanted to let you know that I just snooped around your blog to compare belly sizes at this stage of the pregnancy! miss you!
