Friday, January 20, 2012

35 Weeks

Feel like I didn't grow much more since last week, I dunno!  He's
so cramped in there!  Poor little guy!  

How far along are you?: 35 weeks!

How big is baby?: He is about 18 and a quarter inches long, five and a quarter pounds heavy!

Weight gain/loss?:
I am still up just the 2 pounds.

Stretch marks?: On my boobs.

Maternity clothes?: Yep!

Sleep?:  Sleep hasn't been awesome this week, but that's just because I have a cold and feel like I'm constantly suffocating.  Also, I've been having really terrible nightmares that make it difficult to get to/back to sleep.

Best moment this week?:  I practically finished our nursery this week, that was awesome!!  I also got a couple of huge items marked off my to-do list like organizing one of our extra rooms and putting privacy film on our front windows!!  I feel so much better now!
Food cravings?: I've been on a real terrible tacos from Del Taco kick lately...

Gender?: Little man!

Movement?:  As always!!  He's a little athlete!  :]

Belly button?: I guess it's kinda a flattie?

Labor signs?: Not recently!

What do I miss?:  Sleeping on my back.

What I'm looking forward to this week?:  We are getting new countertops put in on Monday, I can't wait!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Cyndi!! You're getting so close!! Please please please post lots of pictures of your little man here and let all of us know when you deliver. I'm totally going to share this news with some of the ladies on the August board. Everyone is going to be so thrilled for you!
