Thursday, March 15, 2012

Whirlwind Month

Wowie, I can't believe it has been nearly a month since our little Lincoln was born!  He and I are both doing well, and life is FINALLY settling a bit more.
Right after he was born, I was put on a regimen of iron and not really told why.  Come to find out, my body was doing all sorts of things wrong!  I had developed anemia, and as a result of my surgery I had high platelets.  Well, that issue continued to get more and more out of hand, and we were really stressed out.
The issues started to turn around last week, and today we met with a hematologist who seems to think my body will mend itself.  I believe him.  My body does seem to be finally getting back to normal(ish), and I'm feeling a little less tired all the time.
I will have to post our birth story later on when I get the chance to sit down and write it out.
We also had trouble nursing at the beginning there, but by now Lincoln and I are a good team.  He's a little champ nurser, and he's such a sweet baby!  I'm incredibly grateful that Darion has six weeks off of work.  Especially considering my c-section, I have no idea how I could have done it without his time off!  He's such a good daddy and such a good husband.
So the general feel lately is gratefulness.  Grateful for our health, grateful for our baby.  Not a whole lot of sleep has been happening lately, but I'm keeping my eye on the prize for the first time he sleeps more than four hours solidly!
I will try to find the time to post his birth story and some pictures soon.  But just as an update, we are all doing well!


  1. Just so you know, I DO check you blog for updates! I know how hectic your life has been of late. I am grateful you are all well, too. Oh, and awesome blanket in that picture covering Lincoln. Where's that from?

  2. Glad to hear that ya'll are doing well! =) He's such a precious little guy & that blanket really is adorable. We have that same swing & I'm glad to see that Lincoln seems to enjoy it more then Mr. Carter did.
