Saturday, December 31, 2011

4d Ultrasound

So Darion's and my 4d ultrasound was a bust!  We paid 90 bucks to look at our kid's butt.  It was such a bummer!  So many people made a huge effort to come out to see it, we paid a ridiculous amount of money, and you could hardly even see his face for but like, two minutes!  I was so disappointed, I almost started bawling my eyes out in the office.  Luckily we had people around to make jokes and diffuse the situation, but I'm still really bummed.  I guess now we know not to do it again.
In more happy news, today Darion and I finished painting the ceiling in the nursery and all the doors, yay!  Now we just have to paint accents on things, and I need to paint the baby's book shelves and a part of the closet door frame I forgot.
Last night I had my first Braxton Hicks contraction that I was aware of.  It was really weird!  My whole stomach tightened up and got harder than it has ever been.  It was weird, almost like a foot cramp!  I got kind of worried, but after a little research I became sure it was just Braxton Hicks.  However, it did make the idea of labor more real to me, hence the frenzy to finish up the nursery.
Time sure is speeding along.  Seeing the crappy pictures from the ultrasound place made me excited to get to ACTUALLY see what our baby looks like.  I can't wait!

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