Tuesday, April 28, 2020

37 Weeks

How far along are you?: 37 weeks

How big is baby?: 
About 19.1 inches long, about 6.1 pounds. The size of a cantaloupe

Weight gain/loss?: I weigh right about 150, so up 20 pounds.

Stretch marks?: No.

Maternity clothes?: Yep.

Sleep?: Pretty good. I just wake up to pee usually 2-5 times a night!

Best moment this week?: We tilled our garden. I'm getting so excited to get a garden started! We also blew up the birthing pool and it got me so excited.

Food cravings?: BLTs all the time. Even though the bread and tomatoes give me mad heartburn.

Gender?: It'll be a mystery until May!!

Movement?: Yep. Lots and lots of stretching movements, some painful.

Belly button?: Flat or popped inside-out these days!

Labor signs?: I've had lots of Braxton Hicks and prodromal labor it seems like.

What do I miss?: I don't really miss anything specific at the moment. But I am looking forward to regaining my stamina.

What I'm looking forward to this week?: 
I'm just excited because it's close to the end of this pregnancy and I'm starting to wonder how labor will start and what it will be like. Every birth is such a different story. I'm so excited to find out what story this birth will have. Our doula is also coming over this evening for an in-home visit. That makes it feel even more real!

What's different this time around?: I am so much more tired. And more emotional I feel like. And I have this instinct of protectiveness where I get really aggravated when the boys come too close and have to shove it down. They're just sooooo rough and they always jump on my belly. I think I've developed a survival mechanism!

How are Lincoln and Logan doing?:  They are pretty much the same. Excited, I don't know that it's super real yet. I'll be interested to watch how they change and grow with our family changing and growing.

Birthing during a pandemic: This particular week has been a bit of a struggle in this way. Daniel's hours are pretty low. He's doing a lot of training. And I think it's very stressful for him having his first *baby* during such unstable times. I've seen the stress kind of wearing on him. It's come with its own set of challenges. It's a lot more pressure on Danny to consider providing for an expanding family with so much uncertainty. <3

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