Friday, January 3, 2020

20 Weeks

How far along are you?: 20 weeks - we thought it was so neat we entered 2020 at 20 weeks!

How big is baby?: 
About 6 and a half inches, the size of a cantaloupe. But measuring top of head to tip of toe, 10 inches!

Weight gain/loss?: I'm weighing about 137, up about 7 pounds from when I got pregnant.

Stretch marks?: No.

Maternity clothes?: Yep.

Sleep?: Achy hips, lots of turning side to side. But overall, I'm sleeping pretty well!

Best moment this week?: Danny got to feel the baby (whom Logi has honorarily named "Gummy Bear") kick super hard! And has been able to feel the baby frequently since then! I'm feeling incredibly strong kicks daily now. 

Food cravings?: I got to eat See's Candy, which I totally wanted from the very start of this pregnancy! Someone brought Pastor Frank a box, and he graciously shared! I indulged in one maple nut chocolate, and it was delicious!!!

Gender?: It'll be a mystery until May!!

Movement?: So much movement now!!

Belly button?: It's stretched pretty far, haha!

Labor signs?: None at all!

What do I miss?: Nothing, although I was getting super food bored this week. I got a pizza with feta and veggies from Papa Murphy's yesterday though since I thought Danny wouldn't be home until late, and it was so flavorful, it really scratched the itch!

What I'm looking forward to this week?: 
Being a homebody. Hopefully having a slow weekend with the family. We've been gone so much, it's just nice to be home for a little while.

What's different this time around?: I am much more positive and emotionally stable I think.

How are Lincoln and Logan doing?:  We've been combating mass spiritual attacks on our family and specifically on Lincoln this week. We chose to read the Bible through in a year, and ever since then, it's been pretty constant. But we are continuing to call upon Jesus and trust him to be power and peace for us.

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