Friday, July 29, 2011

10 Weeks

A little bump is starting to develop!! It's exciting. Especially on this
bloaty night!! :]

How far along are you?: 10 weeks!

How big is baby?: About 1 and a half inches, the size of a prune

Weight gain/loss?: I'm still down about 10 pounds (when they weighed me at urgent care on Sunday I was down 10), but I've been actually able to eat again since my morning sickness went away, yay!

Stretch marks?: None so far

Maternity clothes?: Yep, but not out of necessity, mostly just a comfort thing. I have to be careful people don't see the bands though!! :]

Sleep?: The past week it's been hard to get to sleep, but the past two days I've been exhausted, so I've found sleep much more easily.

Best moment this week?: Probably tonight getting to hang out with Steve, Maggie, Caleb, Darion, and Grandma. It was a blast!! I love my family. :] Oh, I also just found out my baby has ELBOWS!!!! That's so cute!!! :]

Food cravings?: I realllllly wanted beef stroganoff for like, two weeks, and I finally made it today! And shared with my family! It was delicious!

Gender?: I dunno yet! It's pretty mch %50/%50 right now, I could see it going either way... ;]

Movement?: Just digestion!

Belly button?: Innie! For now!

Labor signs?: Gosh, thankfully none yet!!

What do I miss?: I don't really miss much, I'm just so incredibly grateful to be pregnant. I'll sacrifice much more than I've had to for this little baby!! :] I do sooooorrrrrta miss being able to clean as much as I'd like. I am so used to knowing my body really well and being in tune with it, but now that it's changed so much, my limits are a lot sooner than I realize. I usually push myself and feel great, and then later my back aches and I realize I pushed myself too far. I just have to stop before I think I should I suppose.

What I'm looking forward to this week?: Well, for Maggie's birthday we're going to a JJ Heller show which I can't wait for!! And then I'm already getting excited to see baby again at our next sonogram on the 9th! I know it isn't this week, but I soooooo can't wait. I want to make sure baby is okay again. I know, I'm crazy. :]

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