Tuesday, December 2, 2014

36 Weeks 1 Day

How far along are you?: 36 weeks 1 day

How big is baby?: About 17.5 inches and about 5 pounds, the size of a honeydew.
Weight gain/loss?: We started paleo a couple weeks ago, so I've lost weight again.  Residing around 134.5, down 5.5 pounds.

Stretch marks?: Just residual! ;]

Maternity clothes?: Yep.

Sleep?: I've been waking up every hour and a half at night to pee.  I'm really looking forward to the baby side, because I think with co sleeping I will get more solid sleep.  My hips have been hurting too, so it's hard to sleep for long on either side.

Best moment this week?: We are getting tons of family time because Darion has a few days off.  We just blew up our birth pool to test it out (it's up now), and that's super exciting!!!  It's just all getting so close!  I'm so excited!

Food cravings?: Rosemary and cilantro.  Still.  And I want to smell frankincense all the time today, haha!

Gender?: Baby boy 2.0!!!

Movement?: Yep!  I keep saying he's trying to install a tension rod or open an umbrella in there, haha!!!

Belly button?: It's back - but it's a weird outie grossness haha!

Labor signs?: Braxton hicks.

What do I miss?: Sleep.  Haha!

What I'm looking forward to this week?: We have our ultrasound tomorrow night - it's going to be exciting to see baby, make sure it's all okay for home birth.  Hitting 37 weeks is going to be awesome.  It'll be a relief.

What's different this time around?: I feel more in control of the little weird health quirks like broken capillaries on my chest.  I have so much more knowledge and control and I'm kept informed.  I absolutely love the respect I get!

How is Lincoln doing?:  He has just been such a great guy.  I really think paleo is helping him with impulse control and behavior.  He's just a different little guy.  I'm so happy he's able to have more control and be happier.  He's such an amazing guy.  Yesterday he said, "Baby Brudder got a nice head on 'im."  Haha!  I love hearing what he has to say about baby brother.

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