Tuesday, December 9, 2014

37 Weeks 1 Day

How far along are you?: 37 weeks 1 day

How big is baby?: About 19 inches and about 6 pounds, the size of a winter melon.

Weight gain/loss?: Gained back about a pound.  Residing around 135, down 5 pounds.

Stretch marks?: Just residual! ;]

Maternity clothes?: Yep.

Sleep?: Last night was the worst night of sleep yet!  I was awake with Braxton Hicks contractions for about two hours!!!  Yow!!!  Woke up a bunch before that because I was so uncomfortable.  Woke up with the worst neck pain I've ever had in my life.  It was crazy.  Looking forward to having a newborn because, believe it or not, I'm pretty sure I'll sleep better then!!!

Best moment this week?: We had an awesome ultrasound!  Placenta is anterior, baby was super cute.  Amniotic fluid levels were spot on.  That was great.  The BEST part though, was when my parents surprised me by coming in to town several weeks early!!!!  My sister brought them over without telling me they were with her, and it took me forever to realize my mom was crouched down in the passenger seat, hahaha!!  So stinking cool!!!!

Food cravings?: Rosemary and cilantro.  Still.  Mmmm!  Especially cilantro.

Gender?: Baby boy 2.0!!!

Movement?: Yep!  Tons and tons!  Lots of hiccups!

Belly button?: It's back - but it's a weird outie grossness haha!

Labor signs?: Braxton hicks!!!!  Last night I was awake about 2 hours with them every ten minutes or so.  Then today, they've been maybe 6-10 per hour, I want to say!

What do I miss?: Sleep.  Haha!

What I'm looking forward to this week?: Darion should be getting two and a half days off coming up, that'll be amazing!  We will probably try to get our Christmas tree tomorrow.  That'll be really fun.

What's different this time around?: I feel like I didn't sleep thisssss bad at the end with Lincoln.  I also feel a little more prepared.  I also have the terror on days that Linky is difficult, that I won't be able to handle two.

How is Lincoln doing?:  He had an awesome day today after a rough last couple.  Not seeing Daddy at all this week certainly hasn't been helping.  And we all got sick, so between him not feeling well and my exhaustion, we had no patience for one another.  Today was a great day getting back on track.  My mom came over and helped us get our house like, completely ready!  It was nice to get everything ready, and super nice because she would let me take time to play with him.  I think we both needed it!  :]

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