Sunday, November 23, 2014

34 Weeks 6 Days

How far along are you?: 34 weeks 6 days

How big is baby?: About 17.5 inches and about 5 pounds, the size of a coconut.  Gosh, he's getting huge!!!

Weight gain/loss?: I lost another pound up in San Francisco… so negative 4.  The heartburn up there, when I couldn't eat well enough to keep it away was awful!

Stretch marks?: Just residual! ;]

Maternity clothes?: Yep.

Sleep?: I woke up last night with a leg cramp that was literally worse than labor.  I'm pretty sure of it.  If I can survive that, labor will be a breeze haha!!  Anyhow, other than that, it's been pretty good.  I'm very often tired, and sleep pretty deeply but wake up to pee at least once or twice a night usually.

Best moment this week?: Well, we went on our trip to San Francisco, which proved to be equal parts exhausting and fun.  But really really really exhausting though.  Haha!  Poor Darion had so much to take care of because I so frequently needed to be taking care of myself.  Vacations with toddlers are less relaxing.  Next time around, maybe a shorter car ride and a shorter trip.  But it was really worth it!

Food cravings?: Rosemary and cilantro.  Plain.  Delicious.

Gender?: Baby boy 2.0!!!

Movement?: Yes!  He has been moving SOOOOO much the past two days!  It's insane!  He just seems to be awake half the day! It's crazy!

Belly button?: It's all gone, haha!

Labor signs?: Just still braxton hicks, mostly when I have to pee.

What do I miss?: I miss being able to squeeze through small spaces, haha!!  I'm to that point where I'm unaware of just how big my belly really is, and I think I'll fit and I don't.  Haha!  And being able to reach stuff.  My stomach makes it hard to reach high things.

What I'm looking forward to this week?: Thanksgiving!!!  Me and Linky are doing breakfast with Leah and Steve and all the spouses and babies except Darion, who has to work.  But that should be really fun!  We are also working on being paleo this week, and I'm kind of excited for the challenge.  Tomorrow is our home visit for the midwife, I can't believe it!!!  And today we are going to try to buy a few things we need left for the birth.  I cannot believe how close it is!!!

What's different this time around?: I feel like I have a sudden burst of energy the past few days!  I've gotten SO much done around the house, been able to keep up with cooking.  It's been a huge blessing, because I have a lot to get done!  It's been nice too because Darion's sisters come over every week lately and clean whatever I want!  I'm having them systematically clean the biggest things I need super deeply done.  It's great!

How is Lincoln doing?:  He really struggled on our San Francisco trip, and looking back, I'm sure it was all the gluten.  He ate nothing but bread for like, three or four days.  Now that we are home and he's eating better, his behavior has made an almost 180!  He's struggling a lot less to keep cool.  He had gotten a rash too, on the back of his hands.  That seems to be clearing already with eating better, hurray!  The last three weeks he's become SUCH a talker!  This was the level of communication I was hoping would slowly develop before the baby was born.  But it's just been exploding every day!!  It's a big relief, because I think it will make the transition a little easier to be able to communicate.  He's such a good boy, he talks to and about the baby now.  It makes my heart soar, seriously!

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