Thursday, September 25, 2014

26 Weeks 3 Days

How far along are you?: 26 weeks 3 days (apparently Thursdays are slow for me)

How big is baby?: About 14.8 inches and about 2.2 pounds, the size of a head of lettuce.

Weight gain/loss?: Still down about 5.5 pounds, but I'm gaining!  Woohoo!

Stretch marks?: Just residual! ;]

Maternity clothes?: Yep.

Sleep?: Been pretty good, for pregnancy.  Especially compared to last time.

Best moment this week?: Some really close friends of ours told us they are also pregnant!!!  We are so stinking excited for them!!!  And it's neat to get to share the experience!
We also had a pretty good midwife appointment.  Still have protein in my urine, and now leukocytes.  The concern would be a UTI, but I have NO other symptoms.  No blood in my urine for the first time though, hurray!!  Also, did my gestational diabetes day of monitoring my blood sugars.  All pretty low numbers (which is to be expected, based off my norm of being hypoglycemic), but within the normalize range.  So yay!  It was pretty rough pricking my fingers all day, and I'm just super grateful for my health.
Measuring only 24 weeks, and had really low blood pressure (98/60-something I think??), but Kate wasn't concerned.
I'm personally a little stressed about measuring small, because that was what caused the doctor to force a billion NSTs with Lincoln.  And while I know that's not likely to be the case this time around, it's just a little nerve wracking that I carry so strange and never measure the right size.
Kate, while palpating for positioning, grabbed the baby's head and jiggled it side to side and said, "See how this part bobbles independently of the rest?  That's his head!"  It was so cute, and for some reason made his little self way more tangible.  That, and knowing what I suspected were certain parts of his body actually were.
Food cravings?: Cilantro - allllll. the. time.  Which, cilantro detoxes heavy metal build ups, so yikes!  But I will legitimately eat leaves of it plain.

Gender?: Baby boy 2.0!!!

Movement?: Lots and lots!  He's really kicked up the past couple days.  And he has finally moved up toward my rib cage, so that's been a little uncomfortable.  Leah got to be the second person to feel this little one kick and move! Oh, and this kid gets hiccups sooooo much!!  Every day, multiple times!  When the student midwife, Genevieve was palpating, he was hiccuping and it was the first time she got to feel baby hiccups!

Belly button?: Let's just call it a flattie.

Labor signs?: Just still braxton hicks.

What do I miss?: At this point, not too terribly much.  This pregnancy sometimes doesn't even feel like I'm pregnant.  I pee a lot.  I'm thirsty a lot.  And if I don't drink enough water I start getting a headache, so that I could do without.

What I'm looking forward to this week?: Getting paid, haha!  We are doing our 31 days of no spending challenge, and it's going pretty well so far, for the most part.  And it's great we decided to do this now since we are kind of tight on finances.  It'll just be nice to get this next check that has a lot of overtime, and hopefully be able to tuck away the rest of the money we need to pay for our midwife and doula!!

What's different this time around?: I'm definitely much busier, it's going way faster (holy cow, can you believe it's already almost the third trimester?!  I mean, come on!!).  Just reading between weekly posts from last pregnancy, I think Darion and I had a lot more free time together than this time around.  Which is also hard because we have a toddler.  Makes for exhaustion, certainly!  Also, I am loving how respected I feel this pregnancy, and how much ownership I have.  I love having a midwife!

How is Lincoln doing?:  Lately, he's been doing much better.  I don't know what he's been going through.  Maybe some teething, missing daddy, struggling to 
articulate his feelings about the baby.  But it's made for a more emotional child.  He usually has to get his feelings out and just cry and be hugged at least once if not 4 or 5 times a day.  But he's doing good.  He had tons of fun at our midwife appointment (she has cars in the waiting room, so there ya go!).

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