Wednesday, August 3, 2011

11 Weeks

So today has been an extraordinary day of mishaps. First, I've spent the greater part of the morning dealing with bugs crawling in through the window, yuck! Mom finally suggested putting bay leaves in the crack they were coming through, and that helped. Our pest guy said they're agricultural bugs and there's nothing we can do about them.
Then, I've been struggling with the morning sicks all day, and I tried to eat granola bar, since that's all I've been able to get down. Then I just ran and threw it up.
I also had to get taco meat down in the crock pot, and had to fight throwing up the whole time. It's been a pretty rough day, hopefully I can get some relaxation in before our Bible study tonight!

I feel like I should have more of a bump, but losing all the
I have probably isn't helping! I just got done throwing up
before typing up this post, so the morning sickness I thought
fading is apparently still going strong. At least baby is healthy!
I can totally feel my uterus moving up more and more each day though,
even if you can't see it in the pictures!

How far along are you?:
11 weeks!

How big is baby?: About 2 inches long, the size of a lime!! Aw!

Weight gain/loss?: Down about 11-12 pounds, and my morning sickness decided to round off my first trimester by making a wicked comeback. The past couple of days, I've been feeling really sick. It's been hard to eat and hard to keep down what I am able to even eat in the first place. Gonna have to talk to my doctor about it next Tuesday.

Stretch marks?: None so far

Maternity clothes?: Yes, just pants though. Although, when we hang out with people who don't know, I try to wear flowy shirts because I really feel like you can tell now. I actually have an order set up on Old Navy for a few layering tanks right now, but I'm not sure I want to get them! I have a hard time convincing myself I'm pregnant still.

Sleep?: I've been getting really tired this week. I've been falling asleep before 10 every night, and waking up around 8:30, but I'm so exhausted when I do wake up. I've been taking lots of naps too.

Best moment this week?: The JJ Heller concert was amaaaaaazing!!

Food cravings?: I'm back to a point where nothing sounds good. Bummer. At least I can still get down slim fasts. That's pretty much all that's been keeping me afloat the past week and a half.

Gender?: I dunno yet! It's pretty much %50/%50 right now, I could see it going either way... ;]

Movement?: Just digestion!

Belly button?: Innie! For now!

Labor signs?: Gosh, thankfully none yet!!

What do I miss?: Eating like a normal person. I'm actually looking forward to homemade taquitos and homemade guacamole tonight, so hopefully I'll be able to scarf a bunch of that down.

What I'm looking forward to this week?: Well, tonight we're doing a Bible study with a couple of friends, hopefully that will go well. I'm really, really, REALLY looking forward to our appointment Tuesday!! I so can't wait to see my precious little baby!

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