Saturday, September 1, 2012

Dear Mrs. K

Mrs. K,
I wanted to let you know that it is HARD to motivate myself to update my blog.  I mean, HARRRRD!! I am so lazy about it, and I have no idea why.  Usually in my leisure, I just prefer to zone out these days.
But, on those occasion when I do drag myself to the computer and put forth the effort to post, you always comment on my posts.  What motivation!  You have no idea how awesome it makes me feel to think that somebody other than my mom (hi, Mom!) actually reads my posts and looks forward to them!
Thanks so much for helping to motivate me to keep up the posting (my future self especially thanks you!).
For all the love you show my blog, here's some pictures of Linky and what we've been up to lately!  I felt like you could appreciate it!  ;]
First beach trip!!!  Oh yeah!!

Linky and his cousin!!

First time in his new high chair! 

Playing in Bapah's recliner

1 comment:

  1. OMG!! I do appreciate them. <3 He is sooo cute! You also have great taste in baby attire (bias much?!) we have that same "Chicks Dig Me" outfit as well as the same sunglasses for C.

    It looks like Lincoln had a great time at the beach! We are going again this coming weekend for C's third trip & I am hoping he will appreciate it a little more this time around then the last (lots of crying =( ). Keep up the posting & I'll keep reading. =)
