Tuesday, August 14, 2012


So Linky is going to be 6 months on Saturday!  Whew!!  It's going so fast!!  That is also his Bapah's birthday (Happy birthday, Dad!)!
I figured it was high time for an update on all the adorable things my baby do!!
Here goes!

-Linky had his first solid foods (bananas and peas) on Saturday.  What a big guy!  The consensus?  Nanas, yummy!  Peas, disgusting!
-Link is officially a babysitter... no, he's not watching other small children for a predetermined fee.  He's sitting up all by himself!  What a big guy!!
-He knows four babble words, and two digraphs (in order of appearance): Nnnnngehhhh; Ba; Ya; Mmmmbahhh; Da; Ma;
-Lincoln slept the longest he's ever slept last night (a whopping 5 hours and 45 minutes, but hey!!)!  And his momma benefited from all but about fifteen minutes of that!  Woohoo!!
-Lincoln recently learned he can bounce around in his jumperoo.  It's ADORABLE!!!  He reminds me of a Charlie Brown character dancing when he bounces and his head whips back and forth.  SOOO CUUUUTE!!!!
-Yoga balllll!!!  New favorite activity.  We have a big, green yoga ball, and I put him on his tummy and bounce him, or whirl him around on it, or even just sit with him on my lap on it and he loves it so much!
-He officially switched to a big boy carseat (about three weeks ago, what a fatty!!).
-His favorite games are Hogtied (grab arms and legs and swing them all the way to the left and all the way to the right going "Weeeeee!!!"), Smiley Baby (flap a blanket and let it settle on his face over and over again saying "Smiley baby!!!" every time, and then letting it fall and leaving it until he frantically pulls it off; then make sure to get right in his face and give him a kissy as soon as he gets the blanket off), Mouth-Nose-Eyes (You grab his feet or hands and touch each part of your face as you say, "Mouth! Nose! Eyes! Ears! Cheeks! [This is usually where he starts going crazy!] Chin! Forrrrheaaaaad!!!!  Eyebrooooowwwws!!!"), Snarlin' (you make piggy noises in his ears), Raspberry Tummy (do raspberries on his tummy and then look at him and go "uhhh ohhhh!!!"), Who's That Baby? (You sing "Who's That Lady" but with the words baby instead, and then "Cuuutiee baby!!!"), Anything on his changing table, and he loooooooves when you say the words he knows!!!
-Lincoln can stand for about a second all by himself!  He can stand a little longer when he's leaned against something or holding on to something.
-He's already wearing 9 and 12 (and even some 18) month clothes!!  He's outgrown a lot of his 6 month things!  Chunker!!!

Well, I know there's tons more he does, but I just can't think of it all!  He's getting so big so fast!!  Love my lil man!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see an update from you, lady! I can't believe that Link is going to be 6 months already, sheesh! Where the heck does the time go? Happy early 6 month birthday little man!
