Monday, August 20, 2012


Linky has had a big week!!  He's tried tons of new foods, he's rolling out some new skills, and he had some special visitors!

-Lincoln has tried plum and banana in his mesh feeder (plum was okay, banana was delicious!)
-He tried zucchini (yum!), avocado (yucky!), sweet potato (even yuckier!), and a little taste of daddy's ice cream (it was okay)!
-He tried a kale, spinach, orange, avocado, agave nectar, and more smoothie at Costco and LOVED it!!  He kept reaching for the cup and attacking it with his face!  I've never seen the kid love anything more!
-Lincoln can officially roll!  Whenever he wants, where ever he wants!  The other day, his daddy put him down on his blanket and walked a few paces away.  Well Linky just wasn't having it!  He rolled from back to tummy to back again and landed with limbs all over daddy!  He then proceeded to give his daddy the "pick-me-up!" alert.  What a big guy!!
-This was a busy weekend for Lincoln!  Everybody wanted to see him!  He saw his grandpa and uncle on Saturday, and then Sunday, his Nino and a couple of friends came over to see him!  He hasn't gotten to see his Nino in a couple of months since he was working out of town, so he was excited!
-Lincoln is getting so good at sitting up!  He hardly wobbles and rarely falls anymore!  It's such a sight to see!
-In the next couple of weeks, we are going to try to take Lincoln on his first beach trip!  It should be a blast.

In other news, I made a DE-LICIOUS homemade crockpot lasagna last night with fresh produce, ground turkey, and a special-made red sauce!  It was so tasty!  Aaaaand it fed three men and three women (one of whom was nursing! one of the women, that is... not the men!) ;]
I also currently have our house PACKED with fresh produce!  We have avocados, nectarines, plums, watermelon, celery, carrots, yum!  And I have a butternut squash I'm going to attempt to make a homemade soup out of, yummmmyyy!!

I made this delicious soup in our blender the other night!  All I did was put 2 zucchini, about 5 smaller tomatoes, a can of chicken broth (I'm looking into making my own soon!  If I get up the nerve, that is!!), about a cup of warm water, some parmesan cheese, salt (looking into getting celtic sea salt too!!), and pepper!  I blended it all up, and it was DELICIOUS!!  Our blender has a "soup" function that heats your mixture, so it was the ultimate easiest dinner ever!  And the tomatoes I used were a dollar for a bag with about 10 or 12 tomatoes in it because they were just about too ripe.  The zucchini were 3 for a dollar, but because we got there right around closing, the man let us pick an extra one!  Linky loves the farmer's market!
But what a great meal!  It was easy and cheap!!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Lincoln! He'll be crawling around in no time. Your recipes sound delicious! I love fresh, home-made food. Definitely try the home-made chicken stock, you won't regret it & you can do it in the crock-pot easy peasey!
