Thursday, February 9, 2012

38 Weeks

 Almost done!

How far along are you?: 38 weeks!

How big is baby?: He is about 19 and two third inches long, six and three quarter pounds!  According to our doctor, he WAS in the fortieth percentile at our appointment a few weeks ago, but now he's in the twenty-seventh percentile.  I dunno though, we'll see!!

Weight gain/loss?:
I am up 6 pounds.

Stretch marks?: On my boobs.

Maternity clothes?: Yep!

Sleep?:  Sleep has been awesome!  I get up to pee usually only twice a night and haven't been needing to toss and turn side to side too much for hip pain.  I'm grateful for that!!

Best moment this week?:  I found out we don't have to go for two NSTs a week anymore because I'm only measuring two weeks small now instead of four, yay!  I also finally got practically EVERYTHING done on my list almost!!  Except for a few big things like blinds for the baby's room, a ceiling fan, and his glider.  It feels SO amazing though, to have those things all done!  Now I'm just going nuts though because there's nothing left to do!
Food cravings?: Hm, this week I'm just grateful to be able to eat again at all.  I got horrendous heartburn/indigestion issues that turned into esophageal spasms that were making me completely miserable and sick from Friday morning until Tuesday!  My doctor told me to take Pepcid, so I started doing that and I'm feeling way better.  So I'm just glad to be able to eat anything!!  I'm trying to kind of take it easy though and not overdo it with food so I don't put myself back in a terrible situation again!

Gender?: Little man!

Movement?:  Yep, he's crazy in there!

Belly button?: I guess it's kinda a flattie?

Labor signs?: Not recently, but it feels like he's dropping more and more!

What do I miss?:  Well I kind of miss having my body to myself and not being a host.  When I move to get comfortable, it'd be nice to ACTUALLY get comfortable rather than having little feet and butt everywhere!!  :]

What I'm looking forward to this week?:  Hopefully (fingers crossed so tight!!!) going into labor!!  But if that's not realistic, I made Valentine's Day goodie baskets for my NST tech, nurse, and doctor so it'll be really fun to give those to them at my next appointment.  I really haven't been planning many things because I'm hoping I go into labor!!

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