Wednesday, February 15, 2012

39 Weeks

Dang, big ol' belly!

How far along are you?: 39 weeks!

How big is baby?: He is about 20 inches long, 7 and a quarter pounds!  The doctor thinks he's probably an 8 pound baby though!  Even though I'm still only measuring 36 weeks big!  He's such a champ.

Weight gain/loss?:
I am up 6 pounds still.

Stretch marks?: On my boobs.

Maternity clothes?: Yep!

Sleep?:  Sleep has been ok, though last night wasn't awesome.  I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, then had to get up around 6 for my doctor's appointment!

Best moment this week?:  Today, when the doctor told me I'm 80% effaced and 3.5 centimeters dilated!  Whaaaaat?  She swept my membranes and I've been having contractions here and there since.  The doctor thinks I should have our little man by tomorrow or the next day!!
Food cravings?: Soft pretzels man!!  They are constantly sounding good to me!

Gender?: Little man!

Movement?:  Yep, he's crazy in there!

Belly button?: I guess it's kinda a flattie?

Labor signs?: Tons today!  Bloody show, contractions, lots of different stuff.  We may have a baby yet!

What do I miss?:  Being comfortable and not achy.

What I'm looking forward to this week?:  Hopefully having a kiddo!  Otherwise, I have plans with a few different people in the next couple days that should be fun.  :]  And Darion has a lot of time off, yay!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how exciting!! =) Can't wait to hear your birth story & see pics of the little man.
