Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Couple Notes

So this morning I was sitting in church thinking about how incredibly blessed Darion and I are that God is going to entrust this little life to us.  What an amazing blessing.  I thinking about how terrifying that is too, because it is our job to help guide him into what God would have him become!  I'm so excited to try my hardest to follow God's Will in what kind of parent He wants me to be.
I also thought I should note something funny the baby always does that I have a feeling I'll come to forget after I'm no longer pregnant.  Sometimes in the mornings or whenever, if I walk into a much colder environment than where I was before, the baby starts moving around a lot.  He seems to hate the cold!  I just thought that was cute.  It's interesting what personality traits we can see before our little babies are even here!

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