Friday, January 27, 2012

36 Weeks

How far along are you?: 36 weeks!

How big is baby?: He is about 18 and two third inches long, five and three quarter pounds!

Weight gain/loss?:
I am up 3 pounds.

Stretch marks?: On my boobs.

Maternity clothes?: Yep!

Sleep?:  Sleep has been alright.  I'm just uncomfortable and my hips hurt a lot.  At least I can sleep!

Best moment this week?:  We got out pretty new countertops!  That was pretty awesome! 
Food cravings?: Bagels with cream cheese and strawberry jam, yum!

Gender?: Little man!

Movement?:  Yep... more and more in my back everyday too, ugh!!  And last night and this morning he's been moving weird, he's just got so little room in there.  He's also been getting the hiccups at least once, usually twice, and on some occasions three times a day!

Belly button?: I guess it's kinda a flattie?

Labor signs?: Not recently!

What do I miss?:  Not being constantly achy.

What I'm looking forward to this week?:  Just getting more and more stuff done that I need to and my parents coming back home!!!

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