Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Busy Week Coming

Well, it's been a relatively quiet week so far, but not starting tomorrow.
Today was my first day of ladies' Bible study. I was grouped with all women who are quite a bit older than me (probably ranging from 30s to 60s), but I think it'll be good for me. I'm hoping it helps keep me on track with reading my Bible everyday. There's homework to do, so that should help to motivate me.
Tomorrow I work in third grade and am eating lunch with Maggie, so that should be a fun time. Then tomorrow night is date night!! Darion has something worked out, but he hasn't told me what. He always gets nervous doing surprises for me because he gets scared I won't like it. I told him as long as we aren't staying out super late, I think it should be a fun time.
Thursday I'm working again, but in first grade for a teacher whose class I adore! I'm really, really looking forward to that day! Her kids are so good.
Friday I am hanging out with Megan, and then she is coming with me to my doctor's appointment. We decided since there is no sonogram, Darion may as well not take yet more time off from work. That's when we find out the results of our ultrasound, so I'm getting pretty anxious for that! Hoping the hemorrhage is gone and they didn't find anything worrisome in the ultrasound.
Saturday, Darion has to go down the hill to get fitted for his tux for his dad's wedding. Then, when he gets back from that, we're going to our friends' pampered chef party!! It's the first co-ed pampered chef party I've ever heard of, and I'm super excited to go. I think it'll be a great time, and I'm also really looking forward to seeing their house! They moved in a while ago, but I still haven't had a chance to make it over so it'll be fun to see what they've done.
On a more baby related topic, I'm pretty sure the little man has been stretching out in there! A few times today I'll get an ache in very concentrated spots, and it hurts worse when I bend over or anything. I just try to rub the spot, and usually it goes away after a couple minutes. Isn't he supposed to have all the room in the world in there? Why would he be acting like he's squished already? What a booger!
Well, even just writing about this busy week ahead has taken it out of me! I think it's off to bed!

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