Saturday, October 15, 2011

21 Weeks

Eeks! :]

How far along are you?:
21 weeks!! We are officially on the countdown side. I kinda freaked out when I was 21 weeks and 1 day and realized that we have 18 WEEKS and some change left... yikes!!! :]

How big is baby?: We are now measuring from head to toe, so about 10 and a half inches, roughly the size of a banana!! Baby is huge in there! And boy can I tell every time he moves!! :] I keep saying he's a mastodon!

Weight gain/loss?:
Down 9 pounds. I've been gaining about a pound a week for the past month and a half. I'm pretty right on target! And I've been trying reallllly hard to make sure it's healthy weight, but I admit, some See's candy got in my fridge... I don't know how it got there, but it did. And how else am I supposed to get rid of it?

Stretch marks?: None so far.

Maternity clothes?: Yeps!! I'm actually starting to feel a little more comfortable in my clothes because I feel like you can tell I'm actually pregnant now. If you already know. I don't think strangers can. My old clothes are a little tighter, and some of them seem to work better for me, but some of my maternity shirts are good too! :]

Sleep?: Sleep has been like a rock this week. I'm so tired, I fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow, maybe wake up once or twice to pee, but fall right back asleep. It's really nice. Last night I had the weirdest dream about my family living in a strange "separate society" and Darion and I went to visit them, and the baby was with us!! Super exciting!! He was really cute too.

Best moment this week?: Well last night we hung out with our friend Megan and Jon who now have a sweet little baby girl!! It was really cool to see them functioning like normal with a baby added to the mix. The baby is only about 6 days old, so it's good to know life can still be semi-normal, just a little less sleep!! :] It was really neat to see our friends being parents too.

Food cravings?: Hm, bagels. I ate an entire bag of bagels in three days. It's all I really want lately. With cream cheese and strawberry jelly. I ran out of bagels, and still that's all I want.

Gender?: Little man!

Movement?: Yes, and last night Megan got to feel him kick!! As I type, he's in there reciting a dance routine, I think. He's just so active! I love feeling his little movements!! It also seems like he spends less time stretching and more time just moving, which is nice. His stretching would huuuuurrrrrt! Though he now loves to kick my spine! Yow!

Belly button?: Innie! For now!

Labor signs?: Gosh, thankfully none yet!!

What do I miss?: I think right now, not having someone constantly rolling on my bladder. All I ever have to do is pee. Yesterday I almost peed my pants in my classroom, and I'd just gone to the bathroom!! Oh also, something I didn't miss is making a comeback: nausea!! For some reason, this week I've been getting random nausea. In my room yesterday, I drank some iced tea, and definitely threw up a little bit of tea after! What?! That doesn't happen to me anymore! Goodness gracious!

What I'm looking forward to this week?: This week I am looking forward to next weekend. It's gonna be a ridiculously busy week, so it'll just be kinda nice when it's over. Two doctor's appointments, work, coffee date, I'm just booked up!!

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