Friday, October 31, 2014

31 Weeks 4 Days

How far along are you?: 31 weeks 4 days

How big is baby?: About 16 inches and about 3 pounds, the size of a pineapple.

Weight gain/loss?: Last I had checked, I was about 5 pounds down still, but it's been a little while.  :]

Stretch marks?: Just residual! ;]

Maternity clothes?: Yep.

Sleep?: It's finally hit: the uncomfortable sleep!  I toss and turn from side to side a billion times each night because my hips hurt.  Then I always wind up having to pee.  Last night I slept better though, which I usually do after a visit to the chiropractor!

Best moment this week?: Our midwife appointment went *great* and baby is doing awesome!!  My urine sample came back completely perfect.  And we are already somehow at appointments every two weeks!  Crazy!  I'm also really excited November is starting tomorrow.  Coming down to the wire!

Food cravings?: Chicken salad, mmmm!  Been making it homemade with homemade mayo!

Gender?: Baby boy 2.0!!!

Movement?: Yes!  And getting stronger!  Lots of feet dragged across my stomach looking funny, whole tummy convulsing.  Super fun, and lots of sweet moments.  :]

Belly button?: It's all gone, haha!

Labor signs?: Just still braxton hicks here and there, but not nearly as bad.

What do I miss?: I think I'm excited to nurse a baby again and to have my body back.  Not that I miss it so much, just that it's much easier to care for other humans when I'm not so exhausted.  I'm looking forward to getting to play with two with all my energy, instead of feeling bad I can't play with the one I have haha! ;]

What I'm looking forward to this week?: I am really looking forward to our anniversary and November coming up.  It is just one month closer to getting to see this sweet little baby!

What's different this time around?: I've been thinking a lot about being pregnant with Linky because I remember Halloween when I was pregnant with him.  Definitely time going faster.  My feet seem to hurt more.  And I just feel like I'm not nesting as well as I did last time because I don't have as much time.

How is Lincoln doing?:  Nap striking.  Haha!  As I type.  But he seems to be coming around to the idea a little more!  He talked about baby brudder yesterday morning just randomly, pointing to him.  And then again later in the day for some reason.  He seems to be comfortable with the idea of baby brother for now… since he's not stealing Linoln's attention yet, haha!

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