Wednesday, June 18, 2014

12 Weeks

I should really take these things in the mornings instead of evenings.
I am so tired by the time we get to them!  Haha!

Baby Wells.

How far along are you?: 12 weeks (2 days)!

How big is baby?: 2.1 inches and .49 ounces - the size of a plum

Weight gain/loss?:
 Down 10 pounds at our last weigh in

Stretch marks?: Just residual! ;]

Maternity clothes?: Just the cute shirts.

Sleep?:  Sleep has been alright.  I tend to wake up and have huge difficulties getting back to sleep, but I'm not waking up to pee a billion times a night which is a welcome change.

Best moment this week?: We went to Disneyland which was okay (but ended in a car accident on Friday the 13th, a full moon day…).  I've been feeling baby move since the beginning of week 11 which has been awesome!  Wasn't sure that's what it was, but it keeps getting stronger when I do feel it.

Food cravings?: Cranberry sauce and turkey.  I settled tonight for rotisserie chicken and cranberry sauce lol!

Gender?: One or the other! ;]

Movement?:  As said above, since last week!

Belly button?: Innie

Labor signs?: Nope!

What do I miss?:  I miss being able to play with Linky AND keep my house clean.

What I'm looking forward to this week?:  Seeing Bonnie tomorrow should be fun.  Other than that, it's shaping up to be kind of a boring week.  ;]

What's different this time around?: How I was feeling didn't affect another human being as deeply.  That's been hard, to see Linky be missing time with me and it manifesting in behaviors.  I just try to pour extra loves on him.  It's also weird because this time I'm craving sweets like nobody's business, where with Lincoln I didn't so much crave that.

How is Lincoln doing?:  Well, like I said before, he's had some behaviors surfacing.  Just whining a lot more instead of talking to us, hitting and biting a little bit more, melt downs.  I think it's just an emotional time for him.  We are working hard to invest in him and make him feel special.  I'm trying to acknowledge the power of play and at least play with him for 30 solid minutes a day, whatever he wants to do, uninterrupted if I can.  It's hard because he loves physical play so much, and I can only do that a couple minutes at a time.

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