Wednesday, September 28, 2011

19 Weeks

So this morning I was reading on the "What to Expect" website, and it said that right about now, my baby is covered in a white, greasy substance called vernix caseosa - translated as "cheese varnish," ewwww! I guess it keeps the baby's skin from looking all wrinkled when he's born because of the amniotic fluid he takes up residency in. The article said that babies shed this as birth draws nearer, but that many babies are born with a bit of it still clinging to them. That's good to know, because I am always a little freaked out when I see babies being born on television. They just look sticky. Kind of goopy. I don't know why, but it really weirds me out. I feel a little better know what exactly they are covered in.
In other news, I'm excited to see our house finally getting all slimmed down. I've been throwing things out like a mad woman. I am feeling so much better that our laundry room is all organized. My next big project I think I want to tackle is our front bedroom. It's pretty bad in there. I want to be able to put a bed in there some day, but in order to do that, I don't have as much storage space available to me. It's a hard situation because I have to decide what I need more. I also want to move everything out of our middle bedroom and just keep it empty for the next little booger we have. I'd really like to not have to try to empty a bedroom with a toddler running around.
I have decided that this kid may wind up being very hyper. Last night, Darion was playing World of Warcraft, and the baby was jumping all over the place! I think he liked listening to his daddy lead a raid, haha! It was really neat.
I was thinking while I brushed my teeth last night how short of a time in my life this is. I can't believe this pregnancy is already almost halfway over. I am to a point where, despite any of the discomfort I'm cause, I really do love being pregnant. I want to meet my baby, and I'm so excited for that, but pregnancy is just a blip on my timeline. I want to enjoy it as much as possible. In just a few more months, there won't be a little baby in my stomach anymore, so I'll appreciate it while I still can!

Lookit how cute baby is in there!!!

How far along are you?:
19 weeks! Holy cow, time was going really slowly, up until about 16 weeks, and now I feel like I can't slow it down enough!!

How big is baby?: About 6 inches, the size of a mango. I was reading the other day, this is six inches crown to rump, which, when you add legs, makes baby huge!

Weight gain/loss?:
I'm now down around 11-12 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. It's good to be able to eat again!

Stretch marks?: None so far.

Maternity clothes?: Yes yes. I'm actually starting to grow into some of my maternity shirts that I've been really excited to fit into! It's neat!

Sleep?: Sleep is okay, but my back hurts sometimes because I can't control it, I always wind up laying on my back!

Best moment this week?: Well, it's been pretty relaxing so far, and I've been able to just take it easy and leisurely. This whole week has been a nice break to catch up on cleaning.

Food cravings?: Nothing really in particular this week. Just kind of everything, haha!

Gender?: Little man!

Movement?: Yes, it's so neat! Last night Darion made an abrupt noise, and I think it scared the baby because I got a kick in the gut right after, haha!

Belly button?: Innie! For now!

Labor signs?: Gosh, thankfully none yet!!

What do I miss?: Clarity of mind!! I am really bad about double-booking myself, losing things, forgetting things mid-sentence, not being able to even remember my WEEKLY engagements. Urgh, it is making

What I'm looking forward to this week?: I'm really excited to go camping at the beach. It's my favorite place to camp! I'm also looking forward to Bible study next week. I wasn't the biggest fan of the study material we are using, but it seems like it's a little better this week. :]

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