Wednesday, December 7, 2011

29 Weeks

I am posting this picture because it's the
right direction, but it's kind of a cruddy picture.
Darion and I forgot to take my picture before he left
for work, and then we kept forgetting!! 

 Here's a better belly picture, but
it's the wrong direction.  It's also not as close
as it should be!!

How far along are you?: 29 weeks.  Running out of time, gotta get started on that nursery stuff, hehe....

How big is baby?: He is about just about 15 inches, and he weighs about 2 and a half pounds!!

Weight gain/loss?:
Down 2 pounnds, at the rate I'm moving I'll be in the positives really soon!

Stretch marks?: On my boobs.

Maternity clothes?: Yep!

Sleep?: It's been pretty good this week.  I don't want to jinx myself, but I've been doing alright.

Best moment this week?: I got to go down to my sister's house for dinner, and we had a blast!!  Darion also had a good chunk of time off of work this week, so we got to spend a lot of time together.  Also, our new camera came in the mail, so I've been having a blast using it, learning it.  We also went to dinner at our friends' Megan and Jon's house and got to hang out with them and their new little baby girl.  It was a blast, we played some fun games of catch phrase and made inside out apple pies, yum!
Oh, also I found out yesterday I don't have gestational diabetes, hurray!!!!  I totally thought I would!

Food cravings?: Hm, I don't know that I've necessarily had any this week, but my sister made some kale sauteed up in red wine vinegar and olive oil with some fresh garlic, and it was so delicious, we definitely made a second batch!  And since then it's sounded really good...  I guess that counts maybe.  Oh, and also yesterday I made a special trip to Costco to buy fruit because I was craving it.  I got delicious, sweet strawberries and a pineapple and some bananas.  I made a delicious smoothie for me and Darion, yum!!

Gender?: Little man!

Movement?: Yep!  He now plays what I like to call the "Pandora Game."  I put my iPhone on a Pandora station and put my phone on my stomach, and the little man rolls around and kicks and pedals and goes crazy!!  The other day Leah got to feel the baby pedal against my side!  No one has actually gotten to feel him do that before because it's hard to catch!

Belly button?: Innie, but it's slowwwwly getting more and more shallow!

Labor signs?: Gosh, thankfully none yet!!

What do I miss?:  Probably the thing I have missed most and miss more every day is, like I've said before, the luxury of time!  If I could just set my goals and stick to them, maybe I'd feel less overwhelmed.  Okay, nobody let me get out of finishing painting the furniture this week!!  :]

What I'm looking forward to this week?:  I am looking forward to my friend Bonnie's baby shower.  She's do ten days before I am, so the fact that her baby shower is this weekend is just another testament to how soon our babies will be here!  It's so nuts!

1 comment:

  1. You are by far theee most adorable pregnant little momma. I love you and I miss you tons. I can't wait to see you in a few weeks. So much to look forward to!
