Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The comfort just can't last

So today we went to our doctor's appointment. Among other things (she said my weight loss isn't concerning her yet, so that's good), she told us that I have a subchorionic hemorrhage. Basically it's a little pocket of blood between some membrane and the uterus.
I've done a lot of research on it, looking up different research reports and studies, et cetera, and I've come to find that there's about a 3-7% increased risk of miscarriage. However, from what I've read, it depends on the size and location. The doctor said mine is small.
It also looks like there's a slightly increased risk of preterm labor. If the hemorrhage dissolves and is reabsorbed into my body, then we really shouldn't have any problems. I'm going to be resting and trying not to lift anything heavy to help my body do what it needs to do more quickly.
So while I'm trying not to worry because my stress can't affect any change, I still feel unsettled. I wish that this pregnancy could be completely stress free, but I'm going to be working on trusting God with this.
I'm sad because this puts a little bit of a damper on telling people this coming weekend. However, I'm going to try to pray for peace!
The bright spot in all the appointment was hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time! It was 163 beats per minute. I was kind of worried because last time it was 171. I asked the doctor about it, and she said it's actually good that the heartbeat has slowed because the baby is getting bigger. It reassures me that our little one is still growing.
We have our next appointment on September 16, and there we will find out if it is a boy or a girl. We will also find out if the hemorrhage has taken care of itself. It'll be a long five weeks, definitely a test of faith.
Probably one of the most bummer things about it is that I was looking forward to hitting second tri so I could start really nesting how I wanted. Now I have another 5 weeks of taking it easy. Oh well, in another 6 months I'll never have a break, right?

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