Saturday, July 9, 2011

7 Weeks (or thereabouts!)

So because I have very few shorts that currently fit me comfortably, the day I went to take my 7 week picture I was wearing the same shorts as my 6 week picture, so being a lazy pregnant woman, I just skipped it! There's no bump there yet anyways!!

However, I do have some new symptoms. Oh boy, are these delightful. Today, my chest feels like it's going to fall off, it hurts so bad! And three days ago, for the first time, I threw up.

I had eaten some pretzels and had some sprite in the early morning to try to soothe my stomach because it was feeling so upset. Instead of soothing my stomach, it exacerbated all the issues I'd been having all morning. The result? I violently threw up everything I'd eaten within that 18 hour time frame. Luckily it was just pretzels and sprite. Yuck! This scenario held true to the morning sickness name. It was indeed morning! That's when the sick is the worst. All the acid builds up and there's no food to expel it with. Every morning is a pretty intense battle to get ahead of the sick.

Well, the next day, in the evening, I ate two twice baked potatoes for dinner. A pathetic meal, I know, but at this point food is not at all appealing to me anymore, and let's face it: potatoes are a great comfort food! So I finished up eating them, and not but two minutes later I was rushing to the bathroom again. It was pretty horrendous. I was already really sore and tired from the morning sickness the day before, so for my poor muscles to do it again was kind of painful.

I had been sharing with my sister-in-law, Maggie about how sick I felt.  The day after the potato debacle, Maggie made it a point to go to the store and get me things I could eat. She called me on the phone to get a feel for what I would be able to eat. After my declining her offer, she still kindly insisted.

Boy, I was not expecting her to show up at my house with what she did! There were bananas, apple sauce, ginger snaps, ginger ale, lemons, all natural prenatal vitamins, anti-nausea medicine, the works! She really went above and beyond the call of duty! I was so grateful! And it really helped! Especially the apple sauce.

That day, I ate really well, and didn't throw up! I felt really good that day too. It was nice to have things I actually wanted to eat for a change. Friday was a bit of a hiccup because I wasn't able to actually find a solid, real meal to choke down all day. I snacked a ton, but I don't think it was enough. I didn't throw up, but I also didn't feel great.

Today was the biggest success yet! The amount of time I normally spend feeling sick and feeling well was practically opposite! I normally spend about two hours a day feeling alright, the rest sick. Well, today I hung out with Maggie all day, and she really helped me push foods and liquids. I only got sick a couple of times near lunch and dinner when I was getting very hungry.

In non-sick related news, I'm starting to get excited because I can feel changes in my upper abs! It's so weird! I have these muscles that are sticking out a little further than normal, and my stomach muscles feel a little more taught than usual. This part is exciting to me. My body having actual, tangible changes because a little human is growing inside of it! That's so cool!!

I'm also getting really excited to go see my mom and dad to tell them the news! We're making a special trip out of state to see them. I can't wait. Especially because that means we get to tell everyone soon after! We're planning to tell all our immediate family around the same time, and then slowly tell other people as we feel a little more secure.

It's neat because I'm getting to a point where I actually have let myself believe that this baby is the baby that will be born to us. I've been really nervous to do that before. I'm still scared, but tomorrow marks the day that we made it to last time, and praise God things are still going well in this pregnancy so far.

Well, I am one tired person! I'll have an 8 week picture soon, I'm sure!! :]

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