Wednesday, November 16, 2011

26 Weeks

Getting bigger! Tonight we took a picture of me "sucking it
in" as far as I could, and I still had a little bump. We're getting

How far along are you?:
26 weeks,

How big is baby?: He is about 14 inches.

Weight gain/loss?:
Didn't get to weigh myself this morning because we were at the hotel, will have to weigh myself tomorrow. (Weighed myself, down about 2 pounds!)

Stretch marks?: On my boobs. :/

Maternity clothes?: Yep!

Sleep?: Another week of terrible sleep. Between having to switch sides every half hour or so because I'm so achy, and having to get up every hour and a half or two to pee, I'm pretty much always exhausted.

Best moment this week?: Darion and I took a trip to San Diego to celebrate our three years of marriage. It was awesome. We just got back today, and we seriously had the best time.

Food cravings?: Kookaburra!

Gender?: Little man!

Movement?: Yes, the past few days or so it's been this uncomfortable knocking type movement where he spasms or something and it jolts me. It gets a little annoying. Then later on in the day, he'll start moving more gently and those are the sweet ones that I love. But the violent thrashing is not super fun.

Belly button?: Innie! For now!

Labor signs?: Gosh, thankfully none yet!!

What do I miss?: Sleeping on my back... or sleeping well in general.

What I'm looking forward to this week?: Well, Darion gets a lot of time off. He just had something like 6 days off in a row, and then he will work a couple of days and have 4 more days off. I'm just looking forward to soaking up time with my husband!

1 comment:

  1. Love that you guys had some time alone to do whatever you wanted. I know you'll cherish that in memory cuz once Baby gets here, you won't wanna leave him anywhere so it will be the three of you for then. ;) I miss you and can't wait to see that baby bump in person.
