Wednesday, August 17, 2011

13 Weeks

The bump is there just about all the time now, you can really
tell there's a baby in there once you know! I love it!

How far along are you?:
13 weeks!

How big is baby?: Almost 3 inches, the size of a peach!!

Weight gain/loss?: Down 13 pounds... but I've been waaaay more capable of eating lately. Although on the way back from Colorado, I threw up 4 times in 3 states in 1 day!! Yikes! But that's been the worst my morning sickness has been this week. I didn't throw up at all aside from that.

Stretch marks?: None so far

Maternity clothes?: Yep, my Old Navy clothes finally came, so that's awesome! A couple things I'll need to grow into still, but there's a few shirts that fit quite well!

Sleep?: While we were staying with Mom and Dad, there was one night I peed three times before I could fall asleep and three times throughout the night!! It was pretty miserable. But other than lots of peeing, I sleep like a rock.

Best moment this week?: Our Colorado trip was AMAZING and we finally told EVERYONE this week!! It was absolutely fantastic!! We loved everyone's reactions, it was just the best!

Food cravings?: Animal style fries from In-n-out!!! Extra extra grilled onion, mmm! I've already had it like, 3 times this week.

Gender?: I dunno yet! It's pretty much %50/%50 right now, I could see it going either way... ;] But we find out next Wednesday!!

Movement?: Just digestion!

Belly button?: Innie! For now!

Labor signs?: Gosh, thankfully none yet!!

What do I miss?: Getting to sleep is a little uncomfortable, I sorta miss just being able to lie in one position and fall to sleep.

What I'm looking forward to this week?: Well, I'm going back to work and we get to find out the gender, so I'm sooo looking forward to it!!

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