Saturday, July 23, 2011

Oh, the Terror

Pregnancy is terrifying. Yesterday I had really light pink discharge, so now I'm absolutely afraid. I keep trying to sit still and feel if I am having cramping. My back has been a little achy sometimes, but I tend to think that has more to do with being tired, because that has been happening for a while now. I'm also scared because my morning sickness has been suspiciously quieted the past two or three days.
I'm also very disenchanted with my doctor right now. I could go try to see the doctor, but with my miscarriage, all that served to do was cause me a great deal of stress, and it resulted "inconclusively." I just wish this wasn't so scary. Pregnancy is so incredibly frustrating. Getting and staying that way is the most difficult, fear-invoking event I've ever had to undergo. It's really traumatizing. If you're a praying person, please pray that baby is safe, healthy, and alive.

As a positive note, my husband is the most amazing man I've ever met. Before he left to go golfing with some friends today, I asked him if we could pray for the baby. So, standing in our kitchen, he hugged me really tight and prayed that our baby and I would be safe and healthy. I love having such an amazing, godly, loving husband. Even through the pain and fear we are teetering on, he really is such a stronghold for me. I'm glad to know that, though we may face hardships, we have each other and we have God.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you're having to deal with this Cyndi! =( I hope that the discharge has gone away & that both you & baby are doing well. I will definitely keep you three in my prayers.
