Friday, December 14, 2012

A sweet little story on a sad day

Today is a horrible day in America.  Families lost their children, brothers lost their sisters, children lost their lives.
It seems senseless, but we know that God will work for the good of all things for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.  Even in something this horrendous.  We know He is faithful.
I've been praying very hard for the families left behind.

All the things that happened today remind me of this verse, in which David loses a child.
But now that he is dead, why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I will go to him, but he will not return to me."
2 Samuel 12:23

I took great comfort in this verse when we miscarried our first child.  Little, innocent children go to Heaven, and God can take way better care of our children than we can.  They are suffering no more.  They have no more tears!

Things like this make me so grateful for the moments we are borrowing here on earth.

Tonight, me and my little family went to look at Christmas lights down the hill (for those of you that don't understand what that means, there's a pass where you go through extreme elevation change in a short distance, so we say we live "up the hill" and everything on the bottom of the pass is "down the hill").

Lincoln LOVED it!!  When he could see, that is!!  I put him in the Moby wrap with his little hat and mittens on.  When the hat was over his eyes on accident, he was super quiet.  When you pulled his hat up, he would make the most adorable, excited noises!!  It was soooo precious!!  He loves Christmas already!!  He's such a Wells!!  :]

Then we went to The Hat and fed him pastrami and roast beef and he loooooved it!!  I have a video I will try to post soon.  It's so cute!

Then we came home.  He slept in the car on the way home, and when we got here, we put him in his jammies and read him his Little Blue Truck book (which we read to him every day before bed and naps).  There's one page in particular that he ADORES!!!  Every time we get to it, he scrunchy smiles, puts his head sideways and pushes it toward you (this is his new "hugging"), and gets suuuper excited!!  It's the sweetest thing!!!

I'm so grateful for my little baby, and every moment God has blessed me with!  What a joy it is to have such an amazing little guy to care for!!

Hug your little ones extra tight every chance you get, love them for each moment we have!  And more importantly, teach them about God's love for them.  There's nothing more crucial you could ever do with your life.  Guide them to salvation through Christ.  That's your job; it is that with which God has tasked you the moment he entrusted that little life to you.

I know I'm grateful, and I try to make sure to help Lincoln see how God works in everything.


  1. Thank you for this post. =) And we have the Little Blue Truck book, too! It's definitely a good one.

  2. Hi there! Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog, I tried to respond but no email address was attached. I love the name Lincoln and Samuel is so strong and biblical. I am sure after the 14th you were hugging Lincoln extra tight! Happy New Year :-)
