so I didn't get a super great picture.
How big is baby?: He is about 11 inches, the size of a papaya! And listen to this, he's such a fatty, he's about 1 pound!!!
Weight gain/loss?: Down 8 pounds now, I've gained back 7 woot woot!!
Stretch marks?: None so far.
Maternity clothes?: Yes yes. Gotta go to Old Navy soon and look for some warmer shirts, just a couple to fill the gaps. All my maternity clothes are for summer!
Sleep?: Sleep has been pretty good this week. I think I've finally found a comfortable way to sleep, so yay!
Best moment this week?: Well today was super fun. I got to spend all day with Darion, and we went on a date to Red Robin, and just hung out and had a lot of fun. We also went to the pumpkin patch this past weekend, and that was a great time! I can't wait to carve them! Then I'm going to make homemade toasted pumpkin seeds, yummy!
Also awesome this week, Darion and I won a $250 photography session!! What a blessing! We can use it next year after this little man is born so we can get some family photos, I'm so excited!
Finally, I met our midwife this week, as well as our nurse. They were both FANTASTIC!! I just love the pair of them! My nurse even gave me a hug on the way out!
And at our appointment, everything was fantastic. I'm measuring right where I should be, the baby's heart pictures came back normal, they had retested my thyroid to make sure the problem had subsided and it had, and the baby's heartbeat was a healthy 145 beats per minute! What a great appointment!
Food cravings?: Chips and salsa! Haha, today I kept trying to talk Darion into going somewhere we could have chips and salsa for some reason, and then at the grocery store, I bought things to make homemade guacamole and chips... and it was delicious!
Gender?: Little man!
Movement?: Ooooohhhh yes! So much! Everyday! And you can now see it from the outside much of the time. It's so cool!! He's actually on the move right now! Buuut, he's shy and never shows off when I want him to! What a booger! I had dinner with Grandma last night and wanted her to be able to feel him move, but the only place he'd kick was my bladder! Boo!
Belly button?: Innie! For now!
Labor signs?: Gosh, thankfully none yet!!
What do I miss?: Oh boy, probably just food. I was talking to Darion today about how I miss eating snow crab! As soon as this kid pops out, our hospital is directly across the street from a Red Lobster (you can see it from the waiting room window!), so maybe I'll make him get me some crab!! :]
What I'm looking forward to this week?: Carving pumpkins! I just cannot wait! It's going to be so fun! And also, going to dinner at Steve and Maggie's this Friday night, should be a fun time too! I'm so elated with pregnancy and life lately. It must be second tri! ;]
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