Wednesday, June 29, 2011

6 Weeks

Still no real bump!

How far along are you?:
6 weeks, 1 day... I'm really bad about taking my pictures on the actual week milestones!

How big is baby?: 1/8 inch, the size of a sprinkle!

Weight gain/loss?: about the same weight...

Stretch marks?: None so far

Maternity clothes?: Not yet!

Sleep?: Not enough of it to go around... I'm tired a lot of the time.

Best moment this week?: Just being pregnant! :]

Food cravings?: Nope. Food is disgusting now. The nausea is sort of starting to kick in.

Gender?: I dunno yet! It's pretty much %50/%50 right now, I could see it going either way... ;]

Movement?: Just digestion!

Belly button?: Innie! For now!

Labor signs?: Gosh, thankfully none yet!!

What do I miss?: Not feeling sick all the time.

What I'm looking forward to this week?: I'd say just getting a little more out of the woods. Every week I go that the baby is still healthy, I'll feel a little better. At this point, I'm just kind of scared still.

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