Wednesday, November 16, 2011

San Diego Trip

So this weekend, Darion and I took an anniversary trip to San Diego. It was a fantastic time, and it was really neat to kind of get a really nice last hurrah before the little man gets here. It was neat because we pricelined an amazing hotel! I love that site.
So Saturday we woke up and took it easy packing and getting our things ready to head down. We stopped and got sodas at a coke freestyle machine (those things are awesome!) and some subway. Then we got to our hotel around 5:30.
We checked in and dumped our stuff and then headed to the Magic the Gathering Grand Prix. For those that don't know, Magic the Gathering is a card game. The Grand Prix is just a convention where people come to play in events and at this particular one, there were some artists that draw the art for the cards there too.
We spent the evening there, and then went to Coco's and got something to eat before heading back to the hotel for the night.
We headed back to the Grand Prix the next day. We had a fun time, Darion got to play one of the best Magic players in the world, so that was exciting he got to do that.
Over the rest of the weekend, we went to a lot of shopping malls and had an awesome time just kind of walking around and looking through stores.
We also went to the Gaslamp Quarter one night, and we ate at a really tasty Italian restaurant.
Tuesday night we got to go dinner with some friends at a burger joint called Hodad's which was amaaaazing! So good, we got it for lunch today on the way home.
We spent a lot of time drinking Godiva hot chocolate (made with milk chocolate, yuuum!). Pretty much, eating all weekend, it was an awesome time!
I'm so grateful we were able to get away for a trip like this before the baby comes. I just mostly loved spending time with Darion. We had a blast.
Here are some shots from the trip! Sorry they aren't in order, blogger makes it kind of impossible to organize pictures well in your posts for some reason...

What kind of a weekend would be complete
without starting off with some cinnamon rolls?

Gaslamp Quarter

The hotel's pool area was really nice, but it was a little chilly
to swim.

Penguin cup coffee!!

Headed to the Grand Prix!


We are Christmas enthusiasts... we're decorating for
Christmas ourselves tomorrow, hehe!

Stopped off for some refreshments! Yum!

Bacon on your ice cream?! Good call!!

Mashing breakfast and dessert, ALSO amazing. This little
shop makes amaaaazing malts!

Lounging in the hotel. It was super nice to get lots of time to
do just that this weekend!

Our room

Mmmm, delicious snack!

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