Friday, July 22, 2011

9 Weeks

Still pretty flat, but my little dome of muscles is really a big change.
I can totally feel the difference! :]

How far along are you?:
9 weeks!

How big is baby?: About 1 inch, the size of an olive, aww!

Weight gain/loss?: I'm down about 7-8 pounds, I had lost a significant amount of weight... My morning sickness and throwing up really was a problem for a little while there. I have gained back one pound though, yay!! Moving in the right direction!

Stretch marks?: None so far

Maternity clothes?: Uhhhmmmm, yes. I had to get maternity jeans because none of my jeans fit very well. They still fit like normal I guess, but pushing against my stomach just made me really uncomfortable and feel sick. Then Maggie lent me a ton of maternity pants and capris, and Megan gave me a pair of capris too! It's so nice having more than just my sweats and black shorts to wear!

Sleep?: I've been sleeping alright lately. I have been gradually waking up later and going to bed later for some reason, so I'm trying to move the time back up. I don't like having to stay awake that late.

Best moment this week?: The best moment was just hitting 9 weeks. I'm starting to feel more confident about my pregnancy and my little baby. Hitting 9 weeks was monumental for me! I also de-cluttered my living room and completely overhauled my office yesterday, and I feel really great about that! It was pretty good to satiate my nesting needs. :]

Food cravings?: Not really, but I'm actually enjoying eating some of my food again! I changed my eating habits to try to be able to get some stuff down. I realized things like Slim Fast and Carnation Instant Breakfast are a great way to bridge the gap between meals and an easy way to drink your nutrients. It's easier than having to eat.

Gender?: I dunno yet! It's pretty mch %50/%50 right now, I could see it going either way... ;]

Movement?: Just digestion!

Belly button?: Innie! For now!

Labor signs?: Gosh, thankfully none yet!!

What do I miss?: At this point, not much of anything. The food issue is a little more manageable, so I'm feeling great! Everything I've had to sacrifice or deal with has been so worth it. I'm glad to feel sick for little Burrito to grow healthy and strong. :]

What I'm looking forward to this week?: Tomorrow night we're going to our friends' game night in San Diego! That's going to be amazingly fun!! I can't wait. I'm also doing yoga with my friend Bonnie on Thursday, and I'm looking forward to that. I think it will be really great to get a little exercise for babyface.

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